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California’s Largest Wholly-Owned Cannabis Company Hires Nationally-Recognized Business Builder and Innovator Denyelle Bruno as CEO
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Perfect Union Invests in Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce
Perfect Union joined the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce’s Champion Circle in support of the Chamber’s initiatives, programs and projects.
Perfect Union Donates $10,000 to Weed Fire Department for Lava Fire
Perfect Union donated $10,000 to the Weed Fire Department to support operational needs for the Lava Fire and remaining 2021 wildfire season. The volunteer fire department is responsible for the prevention and suppression of land, vehicle and structural fires, as well as responding to requests for emergency medical aid and accidents.
Vaccine Clinic Planned in Sacramento on Aug. 12
Perfect Union Northside is hosting a Covid-19 vaccine clinic on Aug. 12 from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. in Sacramento.
The Riverbank News: Perfect Union Donates to City Programs
Perfect Union presented the City of Riverbank’s Parks and Recreation a check for $1,000 on Thursday, July 15
Perfect Union Donates $2,000 to Chico’s From the Ground Up Farms
Perfect Union donated $2,000 to From the Group Up Farms to provide the Chico community with free organic food and educational workshops.
Markley Park in Turlock Adopted by Perfect Union
Perfect Union dispensary adopted Markley Park in Turlock, California and has plans for four clean-up and beautification projects over the next year.
We’re Adding Two New Stores in CA: Shasta Lake & Ukiah!
Two new stores have been added to the Perfect Union line up, and online ordering is live for both of them. Welcome to the Perfect Union family, Shasta Lake and Ukiah!
We’re Adding Two New Stores in CA: Shasta Lake & Ukiah!
Two new stores have been added to the Perfect Union line up, and online ordering is live for both of them. Welcome to the Perfect Union family, Shasta Lake and Ukiah!
Perfect Union Acquires Ukiah Cannabis Dispensary
Perfect Union has acquired another licensed medical and recreational dispensary in California, Sundialed in Ukiah.
Perfect Union Acquires Shasta Lake Cannabis Dispensary
Perfect Union, a leading cannabis retailer in California, announced it had acquired a fully licensed recreational cannabis dispensary in Shasta Lake, California.
Telemundo: Local Organization In Chico Receives $2000 Donation from Perfect Union
Telemundo: Perfect Union donated $2,000 to From the Ground Up Farms to provide the Chico community with free organic food and educational workshops.
Donation to Help Provide Meals for Tehama County Seniors
Cannabis retailer Perfect Union recently made a donation to support Tehama County’s senior residents. The company presented $2,250 to the Tehama County Senior Nutrition Program’s Adopt-A-Senior program, which will cover a year’s worth of nutritious meals for a senior in the program, as well as companionship and safety checks.